Showing posts with label rachel thompson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rachel thompson. Show all posts

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Looking For A Life Ring.



In Publishing News this week,


Just after I published last week’s blog news broke about Meta forcing a book take down. I published a note about it in my Substack blog version. The Streisand Effect is in full flight as many are picking up the book to see what the fuss is about. A tell all about the Meta company by an ex -employee. The author is barred from talking about the book. Kathleen Schmidt has the details. The Kiwi author was due to be interviewed on our state radio last Friday but the take down went into effect forcing the termination of the interview.


The London Bookfair is over for another year and Publishing Perspectives talks about their impressions of the fair. It looks like the new venue isn’t wonderful, but the deal hall is getting bigger. What happens when you sacrifice comfort for turnout at a bookfair? 


While the UK had a seven week consulting period on AI and copyright, the US has just had a three week consultation period on the same issue. Publishing Perspectives looks at publishers viewpoints on this and their warning over the fair use defense. US publishers were scrambling to put in a submission. This is a comprehensive article, and they draw on responses from the Associations of American Publishers. They quote from the American government AI action plan.

The American “AI Action Plan” is not as detailed and structured an approach as the British proposal is. Instead, the US plan—described in the current administration’s fondness for comparative bravura—”will define priority policy actions to enhance America’s position as an AI powerhouse and prevent unnecessarily burdensome requirements from hindering private sector innovation. With the right governmental policies, continued US artificial intelligence leadership will promote human flourishing, economic competitiveness, and national security.”


Publishers Weekly has an interesting article on a survey of Spanish language publishing professionals 75% of whom believe that the adoption of AI is unavoidable. Diving into the article there is a sort of cost benefit analysis. It is a great tool, but it could threaten jobs. Is there an upside?


Mark Williams points out that the robot rebellion is underway with an AI refusing to do the work of a coder. Mark also looks at lessons for book publishers learned from watching television morph into streaming. He says that publishing history is active resistance, passive acceptance, and eventual embrace. 


Bloomsbury is expanding its imprints. Harry Potter may have saved them, but Sarah J Mass is keeping them going and now they are acknowledging this by having a dedicated imprint for Science Fiction and Fantasy. It only took them 25 years.


Spotify is expanding its audiobook platform to include short form audiobooks from Indie publishers. Dan Holloway writes about this latest move and who will benefit from it.


The Alliance of Independent Authors has an interview with Ricardo Fayet of Reedsy on Marketing and what he sees as important for 2025.


Darcy Pattison has in interesting article on using AI to do preliminary copy editing. This is how she saves herself time but while she uses these and other tools she does go through a human editor as well.


P J Parrish has a great article on giving your secondary characters some love. Do they even have a growth arc in your story? 


Oliver Fox has a guest article on Katie Weilands blog which explores an alternative narrative structure. This is thought provoking stuff. We all have a favourite book that seems to break the rules of classic storytelling structure. This approach maybe the structure that resonates with you.


In The Craft Section,

2 fantastic articles from September Fawkes on Structuring scenes and Alternative views of basic story structure- Bookmark Both!

How to master the passage of time- C S Lakin

How to write a likable character- Lucy Hay- Bookmark

The 5 leaf clover structure of story genre- Storygrid- Bookmark


In the Marketing Section,

How to create email press releases to journalists- Sandra Beckwith

SEO for authors in 2025- Rachel Thompson- Bookmark

Pricing strategies to sell more books- Penny Sansevieri- Bookmark

10 tips for public appearances- Kathryn Craft- Bookmark

What do you do when the book reviewer says yes- Karen Cioffi


To Finish,

Who are you online? Michelle Cutler writing on Jane Friedman’s blog has a warning. If you don’t define and present yourself online, others will. How do you define yourself? Has it changed from the first time you put up a website?


With all the future talk of AI now becoming present talk, and in your face AI, it is worth dropping into Joanna Penn’s website to checking out all the articles and interviews she has done on the future of publishing. She offers ways to approach the changes that are now here and how to use them. Joanna advocates for using AI as a tool and doubling down on human experiences for your readers. 

We are in another publishing revolution. It might be time to hunt down a life ring for comfort and safety. 





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If you like the blog and want to buy me a coffee, I appreciate virtual coffee love. Thanks.


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Publishing: An International Conundrum


In Publishing News this week,


The London Book Fair is on and as usual the trade publishing world stops to reassess where everything is and what might befall them in the coming year. They kicked off LBF with a discussion on books and what’s selling with James Daunt, CEO of Waterstones and Barnes and Noble, and David Shelley CEO of Hachette. Thank goodness Booktok is still a thing. 


NeilsenIQ presented data at The London Book Fair on how the international book markets were doing based on sales figures from last year. There was a little bump up from pretty much everyone except New Zealand where it went down by 3%. This is worrying if you publish and sell books in New Zealand. Come on Kiwi’s we’ve taken hit after hit in publishing lately- give us some love!


While everyone seems to be focused on tariffs, spare a thought for Mexican publishers. Publishing Perspectives looks at how they are responding to the tariff trade war with their neighbor to the north.


Princeton University Press is partnering with other North American publishers outside of academia to bring a wider selection of books to their branch in China. Publishing Perspectives gives the low down. 


Dan Holloway talks about the rise of memberships in is the audiobook partner of which is the independent response to Amazon. It wouldn’t have anything to do with tariffs, would it? Maybe its anti-oligarch sentiment?


Kathleen Schmidt has an interesting article on the business decision of cancelling a book contract. This follows the news that a book was canceled by its publisher as the author was not prepared to make the changes they requested. As always there are two sides to the story. 


Anne R Allen has revived her excellent writing blog after her hiatus. She has an interesting article on how an all-out effort to write a novel resulted in a form of depression and how this is actually common. She also writes about how blogging is not dead, in fact it is very much alive and an interesting alternative to newsletters. I’m only a month off 17 years blogging. There are very few of us around from the good old days. *waves madly at Anne*


Anne Janzer writes on Jane Friedman’s blog about Dodging the Scarcity Trap. Is your book idea really unique? Should you be worried that others might steal the concept?


Lisa Norman writes on Writers In The Storm about the No Burnout Plan For Writers. If you are feeling overwhelmed, this is the post for you . 


The excellent Roz Morris talks about the hero’s journey and archetypes. Have you ever thought about yourself and your writing journey as the hero? Who are your archetype mentors and villains? This is a great post!


In The Craft Section,

Deepen character development- Selene Silver- Bookmark

Story Non Negotiables- Storygrid- Bookmark!

6 tips for constructing a heroic sacrifice- Mythcreants

Choosing themes for stories- Isabella Peralta- Bookmark

How to revise and save your novel- Matthew Norman


In The Marketing Section,

Elevate your social media presence- Rachel Thompson- Bookmark

27 Fun April holidays for book promo- Sandra Beckwith- Bookmark

Marketing using your Amazon author page- Rob Bignall

5 valuable writing tools- Colleen Story- Bookmark

How to record your own audiobooks- Draft2Digital

Podcasting as an author -Tyrean Martinson


To Finish,

Recently Joanna Penn interviewed Jacob Nordby about creativity and overcoming fear. It is an interesting interview about creativity and change and failure and all sorts of thought provoking stuff. The publishing world has been changing so rapidly in the last decade and now our geopolitical world is being shaken up. We are all feeling uncertain and worried, embracing our creativity might be just what we need.





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If you like the blog and want to buy me a coffee, I appreciate the virtual coffee love. Thanks.


Photo by Andrew Stutesman on Unsplash

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Working Together

In Publishing News this week


If you have been reading my publishing roundup for a few years you will know that every now and then I state that co-operatives are the way to go in publishing. Writer co-operatives or marketing co-operatives once started, seem to be the bee’s knees in terms of collegial support for all the writers concerned. So it was with interest that I saw this news article on a publishing co-operative from Publishers Weekly. (What took them so long?) A group of small publishers banding together to share resources and help each other out. It’s a no brainer and totally good news in today’s world.


Publishing Perspectives reports that youth masculinity seem to be the flavour of the year with the Carnegie long list being announced. Is the pendulum swinging back?


How many small press founders do you know? What gender are they? Publishers Weekly have a great article on how women keep reinventing publishing with independent presses.


Booksellers in the UK are having an awareness day, Bookselling Is Not A Crime, in support of educational booksellers that have been arrested for the crime of selling books that might challenge the prevailing propaganda. When speech is not free in so called free speech countries. 


GoodEReader reports that The Braille Institute has introduced a new font for e Readers. This is good news if you want to be supportive of the disability community.


Two great podcasters got together to talk about second editions. Joanna Penn appeared on The Indy Author podcast with Matty Dalrymple. The podcast was wide ranging and including author evolving business models along with updated editions of best selling books. Check out the transcript or listen to these great women talk about the business.


This week Katie Weiland talked about self doubt and the way you can work with it. Doubt is not a stop sign but a challenge to grow. She has five proven ways to conquer self doubt.


Gabriela Pereira has an interesting article on DIYMFA about Goal Setting.  When you come to set those goals are you choosing the right mountains to climb. This could make the difference between achieving the summit or falling off the cliff.


Staying with goal setting, Emma Billington has a great article on Jane Friedman’s blog on a tomato a day… or the pomodoro method. If you haven’t come across this for writing – it is brilliant!


A space of ones own. This is the dream of all writers. A room that they can escape to and have everything sorted the way they want it. But is it the room? Is it the state of mind? Sue Coletta writes about the challenges of finding the space to write.


In The Craft Section,

Point of view and head hopping- Anne R Allen

A complete guide to revising your novel- Lynette Burrows- BOOKMARK

The bane and pain of transitional scenes-John Gilstrap

Naming and renaming your book-Barbara Linn Probst- Bookmark and Watch this short YouTube video on a novel naming game- Bookmark


In The Marketing Section,

Was the Bookbub featured deal worth it?- Colleen Story – Bookmark

Boost author website traffic- Rachel Thompson- Bookmark

2 great posts from the Alliance of Independent Authors- Distribute your Audiobook globally and Setting the right price for your book- Bookmark

How strategic marketing turned a debut into a success- Sandra Beckwith


To Finish

Over the years I have been involved in organizing conferences, writing retreats, workshops, evening events etc. The reason for doing this is because I can’t afford to go on any of these myself. So, I organize them and then I can hopefully learn while rushing around making sure that the event goes well. Amy Goldmacher has an article on Jane Friedman’s blog asking if you are too intimidated to organize a writing retreat. Frankly, Tuscany would be a tall order. A wise bookseller told me when I floated the idea of holding a national children’s writer conference that looking around at who I knew and using their strengths would sort out my programming fears. He was right. You know the people already. All you have to do is reach out and offer to do the leg work. Your time is as valuable as the entry fee.




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If you like the blog and want to buy me a coffee, I appreciate the virtual coffee love. Thanks.


Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash


Friday, January 31, 2025

Snacking On Publishers



In Publishing News this week

It’s a tough old time if you are a writer down under. You may have had some hope of placing a book with one of the independent presses that still operate, but last week saw another of them gobbled up by Penguin Random House. Our regional voices are disappearing said a Guardian article. While Aussie authors are wincing- Kiwi authors have been there. Most of our publisher’s head offices are in Australia and we are lucky if they publish 1 NZ book a year.


In Davos the world economic forum got underway. How does this relate to publishing? Well, one of the key presentations is the future of jobs report. Dan Holloway took a look and found key indicators for publishers and writers. Reading is down…but creative thinking is up. Can we work with this information?


Publisher’s Weekly reports on a new imprint being started by Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. It’s all about science. In this world of misinformation, any increase in science publishing is a good thing.


When it’s award season the critics choices are always highlighted but if you look at the bestseller lists, they often don’t show up. However, bestsellers have awards too. It is based on number of sales. Spot the children’s books. Julia Donaldson has topped the UK bestseller lists for the 5th straight year. She is a critics’ choice and a bestselling author. Gotta love children’s authors, they keep publishing houses afloat. is turning 5. This great independent initiative linked independent booksellers together and created another way to order books instead of always heading to Amazon. Now they are about to add eBooks into the platform.


The Encyclopaedia Britannica was the last word in authoritative knowledge when I was growing up. They are still around and having gone online early they are now embracing AI. This is a fascinating example of a publishing pivot. Mark Williams takes an in depth look at what they are doing. I don’t know about you but if I have to get information from an AI bot, I would prefer it to come from a trusted verified source, not a scraped chat forum.


Angela Ackerman has an interesting article on How Authors Thrive In A World Of AI-Generated Books. She has some great points to think about. Being human is your point of difference. As ever, she is a must read.

Meanwhile, Dale Roberts is talking about live video being the key to author visibility in 2025.

In The New Publishing Standard, Mark Williams shines a light on a publishing topic not much talked about, the three words ‘adjusted for inflation.’ Why don’t publishers show the real figures? 


Victoria Strauss does great work on Writer Beware and lately she has been looking at ghostwriting scams. She has a list of websites that are fronts for a scam publishing company.


Ah procrastination, what is stopping you from writing that novel? Barbara O’Neal has an interesting article on Writer Unboxed about the three things that cause procrastination. This is a must read if you want to conquer this insidious problem. Read It Now!


In The Craft Section,

How to make themes work together- Jami Gold- Bookmark

How to write dark fantasy- Stephanie Wytovich

How to stay focused on your central conflict- Becca Puglisi- Bookmark

World building lessons from Myst- Gabriela Pereira-Bookmark

5 wellness hacks to boost your writing- Colleen Story


In The Marketing Section,

Planning a book launch party- Tama Hela

 2 great posts from Sandra Beckwith- 3 Author marketing mistakes to avoid in 2025 and

Using AI as your author assistant - Bookmark

Is Facebook still worth it for writers- Rachel Thompson- Bookmark

How to budget for your book- Written Word Media- Bookmark


To Finish

It’s been a rough old week in politics for the USA. For those of us looking on from afar we do feel for the people caught up in the middle. In this age of instant news and opinion it can feel overwhelming. “In war, truth is the first casualty” said Aeschylus in 500BC. When the world is wondering whether Mein Kampf, published in 1925 is being dusted off 100 years later to the detriment of another empire, it is courageous to stand up to your government and demand that they do better. One such person was the Bishop Mariann Budde who asked the new president point blank if he would protect the meek and helpless. Her words resonated around the world and now her book How We Learn To Be Brave, published in 2023 is being rushed into a second printing and is climbing the bestseller ranks. 





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If you like the blog and want to buy me a coffee, I appreciate the virtual coffee love. Thanks.


Photo by Sander Dalhuisen on Unsplash

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Viability and Curiosity



In Publishing News this week,

January seems to be the month where the accountants have come back to work and said… Your business is not viable. 

The latest to crash is Unbound, a crowdfunding venture that I covered when they launched in 2011. It was a brave new world then and upvoting books to get published was a new exciting thing.

Also in the red is The Good Literary Agency which began in 2018 with a huge 500,000 pound grant. They were focused mainly on discovering marginalized authors in the hopes of uncovering potential runaway bestsellers to keep them viable. They discovered some but not enough. They close their doors in March.


Ahh TikTok, you came, you went, you came back. For everyone who has a business that is based on TikTok they recently had quite a scare. Publishing commentator Kathleen Schmidt has a great article on how you should be managing your social media content. First make it shareable. 


While this business is hard there is always room for hope with exciting new ventures just around the corner. Ingram Content Group (Ingram printers etc etc) have just launched a new business Film and TV rights marketplace, MediaScout. Publishing Perspectives has the low down.


Mark Williams has an article on The Alpine Collective, a new group that aims to help publishers across the globe use each other’s strengths to navigate new formats and territories. This is one of those groups that people often speculate would be amazing if only someone would do it… someone did. 


BookFunnel is a great company who got started when an author decided to take the pain out of download assistance for book buyers along the way he happened to solve other pain problems. Now they are venturing into helping with Direct Sales and have partnered with a company to manage the tax headache.


I was alerted to the coming closure of the Mobi format in the last week. Ho hum you say it’s been closed for a while. Yes. But after March the Mobi format will no longer be supported on Amazon. You might need to check if your mobi files will still be viable. You can use Kindle Create to construct picture books or image heavy books for EReaders in the Epub format. 


Bologna Children’s Book Fair is coming up fast at the end of March. They will be hosting an inaugural AI Summit at the fair specifically looking at how to leverage AI to enhance profitability in publishing. Publisher’s Weekly reports on their summit plans.


While you are coming to grips with AI – there is new technology right around the corner using it to develop other nifty tools like taking a 2D image and turn it into a 3D image and then animating it or generating a printer plan etc. Why is this important? Merchandise.  Mark Williams looks at the advantages for publishers.


James Daunt, CEO of Waterstones and Barnes and Noble has had an interesting five years at the helm of B&N and he has no plans to leave. In fact, he is just getting started. If you live in a town with a Barnes and Noble store, check it out. James wants a more local focus in each of the stores.  


Eleanor Hecks has a great article on how you can stay hopeful in a tough publishing climate. Sally Hamer has an excellent article on Why we don’t believe in our own writing. If you have ever looked at your work and reached for the bin… Stop. Maybe your judgement is flawed.


In The Craft Section

Use hidden experiences for empathy-Angela Ackerman- Bookmark

8 steps for getting better at editing- Ali Luke- Bookmark

5 phases to writing a fantasy novel- BookBaby

Dissecting Voice- Dave King

Therese Walsh writes about the LA wildfires leading to character understanding. What would you save in a fire? - Excellent!


In the Marketing Section,

13 bookmarketing tips- Victoria Jayne- Bookmark

Book promotion ideas- BookBaby

Unleash your Social Media potential- Rachel Thompson has an excellent article on Social Media now and how to navigate it. Bookmark


Sam Missingham has a fabulous video up on her YouTube channel that she did for a recent conference on how to create reader communities. Five creative ways authors can harness fans to sell books. Must Watch


To Finish,

In November last year, the Author Nation (the successor to 20booksto50K) conference happened. It’s the largest Indie Writers conference in the world. They have all the big industry players there and the conference is a bucket list item for many writers who live far from Las Vegas. The Indie Author magazine scored a coup by being allowed to show one of the keynote presentations. Be entertained and also learn about the curiosity gap and how you can put it in your writing with Drew Davis. 

Writers have bags of curiosity…make it work for you!






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If you like the blog and want to buy me a coffee, I appreciate the virtual coffee love. Thanks.


Photo by François Verbeeck on Unsplash

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Creating Assets in 2025



And we’re back…Hello 2025.

So down under - it’s supposed to be Summer but we have been getting cold snaps. Summer taunts us by appearing on different single days. Meanwhile, in the Northern hemisphere its Winter and California has been hit by devasting wildfires. I think we can agree that the climate has changed. Publishers Weekly has an article on how the publishing industry is helping out in California. There is some good advice for small publishers in there about prepping for disasters, business wise.

The Christmas/New Year break saw a bankruptcy filing that alarmed a lot of people in the publishing industry. Diamond Comics filed for bankruptcy. The news rocked the comics publishing world as they are one of the big distributors of comics to bookstores. One commentator has described it as the make or break moment for the comics industry.

Comics are big business. While Diamond owes PRH $9 million which helped to trigger the bankruptcy, other companies are full steam ahead in publishing comic book versions of their intellectual property. Mattel are doing big deals for manga versions of their hot properties Barbie and Hot Wheels. Mark Williams talks about the new deal and its implications.


Publishing Perspectives has the follow-up article on the Created by Humans business which has officially started with some big author names backing it. This is a marketplace to sell licenses to AI to use your creative work, amongst other ideas. 

Remember, if you create it, you own the copyright. If someone copies your work without paying for it, it is theft. There is a huge market for Intellectual Property assets. Publishers are valued, bought, and sold on the size of their IP assets which is why publishers want as many rights from the creator as they can get. It is all valuable and on the asset side of the ledger. Even if they never use those e-book rights, or special edition, or audiobook rights in Spanish. Whoever holds the IP has the potential to make money. With AI doing some underhanded scraping last year – this is an attempt to control the playing field.


If you have been reading the blog for a time and following the news in the publishing industry you might have forgotten that eBooks are still new in some countries. The New Publishing Standard reports that Greece is about to take the plunge with eBooks.


We are a quarter of the way through the current century, and it’s been a wild ride in publishing. However, there are still questions from new writers about how to publish. Writers in the Storm contributor Gale Leach has expanded Jane Friedman’s article of the different ways to publish by looking at the keywords Responsibility and Control. How much of each do you want to give up?


In the UK the Society of Authors is protesting against the BBC’s new move to discontinue audio drama. This is a blow for authors and a boon for audio book publishers they say. Audio drama is another format to interest and publicise books to a new audience. Here in New Zealand, we have a similar argument happening with our state broadcaster who is not even reviewing New Zealand books, let alone making dramatic readings of them. Our Society of Authors published a stinging criticism of what is happening. No one is holding their breath to see if it will get covered by other news media. After all, how does a country define its culture…, music, art, stories… or, if you are a broadcaster, news and sport. We have made huge movements in covering women’s sport in the last five years, wouldn’t it be great if there was a cultural segment as well?


A first roundup of publishing news and interesting craft and marketing information wouldn’t be complete without a predictions for 2025. Written Word Media pulled out their crystal ball and found 10 trends and predictions for the publishing industry . I agree with every one of them. They also have a great article on how to grow your author business in 2025 without losing your mind.


Elizabeth Rynecki has a guest article on Jane Friedman’s blog on avoiding creative slumps by changing your writing and publishing medium. If you are looking for a new project this might tick your creative buttons.


The Dream Team of Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi are back in 2025 with their great website and blog full of resources but I have discovered that they are venturing into video. Check out this great little episode on inciting incidents by Becca


In the Craft Section,

The role of narration in storytelling- Gabriela Pereira- Bookmark

In search of the well crafted sentence – C S Lakin- Bookmark

Look to the past for your writing future- Eldrid Bird

StoryGrid- Resource page- full of goodies!

What happens when there is no plot- September Fawkes- Bookmark


In the Marketing Section,

Authors and Bookclubs- Sandra Beckwith

Broad vs Niche keywords (2025)- Dave Chesson - Bookmark

Social media for authors in 2025-Rachel Thompson- Bookmark

How to make an author website – Bookbaby

Selling books from your own website- Morgana Best- Bookmark


To Finish


I’m a fan of podcasts and I have a few that are regular listens. While I am on my summer break, I try to stay off the computer and focus only on being present with my family. Even if it’s reading a paper book in the same room. So, this week as I walked back into my study, I stopped to check out a couple of my favourite podcasts. The Spa Girls have a super interview with Ines Johnson on direct selling and special editions. Joanna Penn always has an interesting goal setting podcast show for the beginning of the new year. 


It’s time to get cracking and creating!





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Photo by BoliviaInteligente on Unsplash

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