A couple of posts ago I said 'go on, just try reading some blogs and commenting on a few that interest you.'
I did this last week on Stacy Nyikos’s blog where I learned that she was writing a book called Pelorus Jack. Stacy lives in Oklahoma and has just had her first mid grade novel, Dragon Wishes, published. She is a member of the class of 2k8.
Stacy announced that she was coming to New Zealand to do some research. I wrote back telling her what the weather was and if she was in Wellington to shout out.
Stacy Nyikos is in Wellington now researching at the National Library before she goes down to D’Urville island. We met over coffee in the library cafe yesterday. What an interesting lady...I had lots of questions...I still have lots of questions about the state of publishing in the US. How 2k8 works...
I learned lots of things. I laughed, was moved, all in all, 90 minutes flew by.
Welcome to the Blogosphere.
Dip your toe in and get the chance to meet and share with people from all over the world so that when you do finally meet them for the first time... they are old friends.
The world needs more communication among ordinary people.
I know that Stacy is going to love the ‘Sounds.’ I am sure that they will love her back! (witty... charming...)
Welcome to New Zealand, Stacy!
One day I hope to turn up in the US and enjoy a coffee with an online friend I met over the world wide blogosphere. I know it will be just as amazing as yesterdays meeting with Stacy Nyikos in Wellington New Zealand.
Maureen...(you know how I hate gushing...I’m not gushing...I’m not...I’m just knocked out by the surreal experiences I have with blogging...)
*waves* to Stacy! She's great! I get to see her in California in a couple weeks and then again in Texas.
How amazing you guys got to meet for coffee!
yes I know...I'ts a small world after all....It's a small...(stop channelling disney, mo)
Stacy will probably write the trip up as an experience! Her luggage took a different flight and went to Brisbane so the poor girl had only the clothes she stood up in!
She leaves tomorrow for the Sounds a three hour ferry trip away from Wellington plus another boat/car trip to French Pass wild and beautiful and isolated and as the seagull flies quite close to the capital city...getting there a whole 'nother story.
If you are going to be seeing Madeline in Texas say hi...She's got a synopsis and 3 chapters from a mid grade of mine via the pitch slam....That was a great exercise!
The internet really is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, we're all sitting hunched over our keyboards, in danger of ignoring friends and family. But we have friends all over the world!
The class of 2k8 has been a bit like that. I highly recommend setting up something like it for yourself.
Your book sounds like fun!
*Waves at PJ, whose book is launching this week at classof2k8.blogspot.com*
Hi Ellen,
The set up of the class of 2k8 fascinates me...I keep thinking this might be something to explore when we get together at our first children's writers and illustrators conference in 16 years next year...I'm co convening with Fifi...
NZ has very good children's writers and illustrators...a lot of whom write for the US educational market on contract. Our trade books don't get a high profile overseas...It's great to see Brian having a crack at it...although being on the Iowa writers residency must have lifted his profile in the US...it does help when you are on the same continent:)
NZ in terms of promo and marketing is a small market...there would be less than 10 children's writers with websites here and only three I know that blog...shout out anyone else!
But we have a lot of children's writers...so if NZ collectively had a sort of 2k8set up it could be a good thing to lift our profile....
Anyway that's why I blog to help show other kiwi writers that you can reach out internationally on your own behalf. It doesn't have to be tied in to a Learning Media/mcgraw hill contract.
waves back to Stacy, PJ, Ellen !
and all the lurkers out there reading this....
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